Monday, December 22, 2014

Talking so much!

I was planning to wait until Madeline's 15 month birthday to post on this but we have entered a vocabulary explosion, that if I don't do it now, I'm afraid I'll forget all the cuteness!

As of today, she can say lots of character names. And when I say "say" I mean people close to her understand what she's saying. Strangers would perceive it as babble. She can say mickey "ih-ee!" Dora "ora!" Olaf "oh- wah!" Sofia "ee-uh!" Amber "mm-Ber" and Anna "Anna!" We know she's saying them because she makes these sounds each time she sees the characters

She can also meow like a cat and say several body part words clearly. She can also read these words since they are YBCR: ears, eyes, and she will open her mouth and say "ahhhhhh" for mouth, tongue or teeth.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Fourteen Months

I don't know which skill to start with since both are great accomplishments.

Madeline can read! I shouldn't be surprised because her sister also started recognizing words at this age and I know Your Baby Can Read works!

What was cool with Madeline was that Larry and I both got to witness it at the same time. We were just sitting in the family room watching her play and she crawled over to her word cards and began to flip through them. She picked up "clap" and began to clap. She picked up "wave" and started waving. 

Later she picked up her words book and said "hi" for "hi." She pointed up for the word "point." She saw the word "mouth" and pointed to her mouth, grinned real big and said "ahhhhhh!" 

She also did this for the doctor yesterday when she asked to see her mouth which made the doctor's day!

Madeline can also walk! She can walk across the room and back, turn around without falling, and smiles all the way, feeling so proud of herself. 

With her being our last, I'm in no hurry for her to grow up, but I'm relieved that we won't have to worry about her walking on her knees at recess or patch her pants like we did for AC who was a very late walker at 18 months.

Loves: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, American cheese,  hugs, teething tablets, dancing, music, shoes, bows, Yo Gabba Babies app, YBCR cards and books, board books, going bye-bye, Red Barn teachers 

Dislikes: teething, when a family member leaves the room, talk radio, shirt over her head, diaper changes 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The manicurist

Anytime Madeline is nursing or falling asleep on the Boppy, without fail since Madeline was about 6 months, she will dig her fingernails under mine the entire time, unless I sit on my hands. I've tried everything and she will find those hands! #determined

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Madeline at 13 months

Madeline has learned so much since her one year birthday which seems literally like yesterday (where did October go?)

She can:
Take off socks and shoes
Insists on feeding herself
Can walk behind a push toy
Is getting four new teeth making her a little Velcro baby
Starting to sleep through the night
Loves drinking from a cup
Starting to self ween
About to be too big for rear facing car seat
Can say: up, look, eat, good, yum, yuck, mama, dada, good, hi, hello, I go, and often says hi though or howdy as a greeting.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Madeline is one!

Madeline has so many skills at one, as well as a few words.

She can:
Shake her head "no"
Say "mama" and "dada"
Says "uh oh"
Says "oh" when she wants to be held or picked up or when someone leaves the room.
She can undo the Velcro on anything
Open up just about any bottle (childproof, shmildproof. Don't trust her!)
Take a couple steps unassisted
Starting to feed herself

Friday, August 29, 2014

11 months

Many milestones to report for month 11! This month, Madeline has learned:
How to throw a ball
How to shake her head "no"
How to say "uh oh"
How to put her paci in her mouth 

She is starting to stand for a few seconds without holding onto anything. She will put her hands together if you ask her to clap or show her the word "clap."

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Madeline's first day at The Red Barn!

Madeline seems to have had a great first day at The Red Barn.

She loved the food, toys, other babies and cuddles.

Not sure why I'm surprised, but she is going to do great.
Madeline's first daily sheet!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Madeline 10 months

Madeline is starting to like and respond to routines. She enjoys her bedtime routine and bath routine. It's really cute to watch her become more perceptive and anticipate what will happen next.

This past month has been a very eventful one for a baby. Madeline had her first plane ride, boat ride, and helicopter ride as well as first time in the ocean. And what a lucky little girl to do all of this in hawaii.

Madeline has: 4 new little white teeth!

Madeline loves:
Being outdoors in the shade
Her arms and legs rubbed and massaged at changing table.
Doing "cha-cha" with her legs
Violet and peekaboo bear
Animal sounds

Madeline dislikes:
Being cold. We've nicknamed her Shivers  because she really shivers when she's cold!
When mommy or daddy leave the room.

Madeline can:
Say "uh oh!"
Wave. Does she ever like to wave!
Pull up to standing and is starting to cruise. 
Pick up food with her pincer grasp but hasn't figured out how to put it in her mouth yet.
Read many words. YBCR works!

She is a busy little girl and we are having to work much harder to baby proof and keep her out of areas than I remember doing for Anna Claire. She is very determined and strong-willed.

Today marked the first Sunday she made it all the way through church without crying. She had fun! We normally see her number flash on the screen halfway through the service and have to leave early. Yay for progress!

Madeline 9 months

Madeline has really become more mobile this month! She is crawling, pulling up to standing, and cruising a little.

Madeline is eating solid foods now, that are either cut or torn into very tiny pieces. She had four teeth coming in but none have broken through yet. We have yet to find anything she won't eat. She loves food!

Madeline also loves:
Holding hands while going to sleep on the Boppy.
Toes counted.
Her hair stroked.
Disney jr and Nickjr commercials.
Miss Spiders Sunny Patch.

Madeline dislikes:
When a stroller, shopping cart or car stop moving.
When people sneeze or laugh loudly.
When Mommy or Daddy leave the room.

Madeline can: 
Say "da-da"

Falling out of favor: 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A week for the books!

This week Madeline has learned to crawl, pull up to standing and got her first 2 teeth (uppers)! 

She is also practicing her crawling and trying to stand up in her co-sleeper at night, so bye-bye co-sleeper and hello crib. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Where to Nurse in When You're Out and About

Nursing in public is not a big deal to some moms, but I was raised ultra-conservative and just can't bring myself to do it in front of folks.

Cover up? Neither of my girls were having it. Cover up = kicking and screaming.

So with exclusively breastfed babies, I have had to be pretty creative at times to get the job done. 

Case in point, yesterday evening, I was at swim lessons for my almost five-year-old at our local university. I had Madeline in tow and she was hungry. So I got creative. I found this handicap shower stall. It was perfect. I swear a choir of angels began to sing when I spied it. It met all of my requirements: seating and privacy.

I would also recommend keeping a Boppy in your car. Dressing rooms in malls and shops are awesome too!

Until all public places become as innovative as one of our nearby malls, Opry Mills, where they provide a nursing room for moms, I will continue to seek out creative private seating options.

Roscoe P. Coltrane

Madeline's favorite sound right now is, "guh, guh, guh," reminiscent of one Roscoe P. Coltrane. (Dukes of Hazard fans appreciate the reference.) So that's her latest nickname and you'll understand if you are ever around us and here us say, "little Rosco."

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bible Study with Madeline

I am SO much braver (or crazier) with Madeline than I was with Anna Claire. I rarely took AC anywhere, and take Madeline everywhere. Even Bible study.

There were a few points in the evening where I thought I'd made a bad call and should have left her with her Daddy. Enter Mercy, our Minivan Mayhem founders little girl.

This precious girl is better with babies than many teens and grown-ups I've seen. A natural. I may even keep bringing Madeline to Bible study...if Mercy will promise to be there!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

8 months!

I can't believe Madeline is 8 months already! Seems like just yesterday that I was 8 months pregnant, anxiously awaiting her arrival.

This is one sweet, strong, healthy, busy baby! Not my lap baby. That's for sure. Neither were, actually. Both of my girls have to go, go, go. Lots if ideas running through their little minds.

Madeline enjoys so many things that it was hard to nail down a few for her monthly "favorites."

Favorite shows: Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Max and Ruby, Dora, YBCR
Favorite foods: squash, pears, peaches, baby mum-mums, yogurt, and of course, MILK!
Favorite toys: stacking cups, Violet, stuff, ACs toys (and hair)
Favorite pastimes: going bye-bye, bath, playing with sister, trying to stand up
Phasing out: gym, infant tub, Bumbo, exersaucer (sniff sniff)

Monday, May 12, 2014

First Time Strawberry Pickin'

Madeline slept through most of the trip in her stroller, but note to self, mcgraws gets pretty muddy so maybe wear boots next year if it's been rainy.

And bring Daddy. I struggled with whether to stay with the stroller or to go up and down the rows and pick with AC.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dedicating Baby Madeline.

I am a middle school math teacher. I was walking around my classroom this week during a cooperative learning activity, and noticed that Maddie, one of my students, had a very unique, precious drawing on her binder that brought a smile to my face. It was an anchor, and below it said, "Jesus is my anchor!" Several things ran through my mind at that moment: pride and joy for the student, and hope that when my girls come to be Maddie's age and older, they will be bold enough to boast such a statement on their binders.

Our "homework assignment" for this baby dedication was to answer the question, "What kind of person do I want my child to become?" Confident. Independent. Kind. Loving. Thoughtful. Considerate. Ambitious. Motivated. Focused. Passionate. Even-tempered. Trustworthy. Gentle. Selfless.

But, in Madeline's life, what will matter most 100 years from now will be her relationship with God.

I was moved by this passage in the book, Feminine Appeal, as I was preparing for today:
This is the thought that should be uppermost on your mind in all you do for your children: In every plan, every arrangement that concerns them, do not leave out the mighty question, "How will this affect their souls?"
The responsibility we have as parents to be a role model for our children can sometimes feel overwhelming, and I think as parents we often times feel we fall short of meeting it. When we look at the list of traits we hope our children acquire, how are we doing at modeling those in our own lives?

We can't give what we don't have. We know that if we don't have a loving marriage and model that for our children, they won't understand and appreciate what that looks like. So we commit to prioritizing this in our lives.

Quiet time, joining a small group, and reading our Bibles are other ways we can be a role models for our children in leading them in the ways of God. We commit to prioritizing our growth as Christians so that we can be the kind of parents our kids need us to be.

We don't have to parent alone, we will partner with our church over the next 18 years and build a trusting relationship with Madeline. We want to build a strong spiritual foundation within our children. We want them to have a strong, passionate relationship with Jesus.

So what should we be doing to influence our children while they're young? Being the best role models we can be, continuing to grow in Christ in our own lives, and by keeping in mind what matters most: Their relationship with God.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Madeline 7 Months

At 7 months, Madeline is pushing up with arms and gaining a ton of strength!

Sophie Giraffe is even more in vogue this month, since she discovered the ears feel great to her little gums.

This sums up the 7th month quite accurately. Not every day, but a lot of days. Darn teething, er um, colic. The truth is, sometimes we don't know why she's crying.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Anna Claire's Names for Madeline

Peanut Butter
Little Peanut Butter
Wiggles Baby
Baby Nu-Nu 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

That's my jam.

If I'm trying to feed Madeline and ANY song from Disney's Frozen comes on, she will refuse to eat until the song is over. She looks at me like, "Seriously Mom? That's my jam." 

Maybe we've seen the movie and listened to the soundtrack too many times?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Madeline is 5 months!

Madeline loves:
Screaming (when happy or sad)
Anna Claire
plastic rings (toys)
Snowman stuffed animal (a gift to her from one of my sweet 6th graders)
Being undressed

Madeline dislikes:
When someone sneezes or coughs
Waiting (to be fed or for paci)

Eating applesauce
Grabbing everything
Standing with support
Giving open mouth kisses

Thursday, February 6, 2014


We love Madeline to make her favorite sound: "Gheeeee!" We love it so much we've all started calling her "Little Ghee." ;)

A funny Ghee story: yesterday I had Madeline on the Boppy to feed her and she was fussing "gheeeee!" Because I wasn't getting milk into her mouth fast enough. Larry and I were laughing so hard! It was so cute. 

Well, Anna Claire didn't understand why we were laughing at her crying and asked us to stop. So Larry picked up one of Madeline's white  body suits from a pile of clean laundry to hide his nose and mouth. Anna Claire said, "daddy, you look like Santa clause." Then we were ALL laughing." Just then Madeline said "ghee" again, followed by belly laughs from everyone. ;)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mr. Mom

Larry and I have decided to keep Madeline home for her first year.

It was not an easy decision to make! 

In fact, we already had a spot reserved for her to begin at The Red Barn on January 6. Only we realized over Chrstmas break that we didn't have enough money in our budget to cover daycare costs for both girls.

So, then it was decided. Larry works from home anyway, so he would keep Madeline home her first year just like he did Anna Claire.

With AC, I admit to being a little resentful, wishing I was the one staying home with her. But with this second baby, I know the outcome will be great and that it ends up being a perfect partnership. I'm with the baby from 3:00pm to 5:30am. That means I handle all feeding and diapers in that timeframe, plus all of ACs needs. 

Larry has Madeline solo from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm. He does Your Baby Can Read with her during this time just like he did for Anna Claire. This is another huge reason we wanted Madeline home for year one. A daycare child cannot pull off YBCR. Too much of a time investment.

So here's to having another wonderful beautiful child. We know from experience that this "formula" works! Just look at Anna Claire: 4 year old little reader and all around precious child!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

4 months!

Madeline's accomplishments at 4 months:
Can pull out paci with her hand and put it back in
Trying really hard to roll over back to tummy
Started Your Baby Can Read
Tried oatmeal for the first time
Tried exersaucer for the first time

Violet (her talking dog)
Anna Claire
Looking in the mirror
Being held

Waiting for milk

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ages and Stages

Putting away Madeline's newborn clothes and gear is bittersweet. I can't believe she's almost 4 months!

With Anna Claire, it was easier. We knew we'd have another one. But with Madeline, I am realizing she's my last chance to experience these precious infant milestones.

I am sad as I pack up her 0-3 month and newborn clothes (especially the ones she never wore!)

I've put away the infant sling that attaches to her bathtub. She's too big. 

But what saddens me the most is thinking about the sweet phases she's moved past. 

Now a pro at nursing, she doesn't bobble her head or root around anymore when I feed her. 

I miss her soft peach fuzz hair that now been replaced by a new crop of big girl hair.

I'm also bummed each time she is ready for the next size diaper. I found one of her newborn diapers today and held it up to her. I can't believe how she's grown.

But I also love each phase of a child's development and get excited about each coming phase.

Right now I'm looking forward to introducing solid foods. We're starting oatmeal this week then trying a new yellow or orange fruit or veg every 3 days.

Looking forward to watching her try out her exersaucer for the first time and rolling onto her tummy for the first time. 

And I love living in the moment and appreciating what she can do today. Madeline makes a sweet gurgling sound and a fake cough when she wants to get our attention.

Bottom line, I love being a mommy and treasure every phase. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Waking Hour

I secretly love the hour I spend awake in the middle of the night. It's the one time of day I have the house to myself, and time alone with the baby. What a time of ease and peace! 

I wake up around 12:30, like clockwork, each night, usually to Madeline stretching or fussing....rarely crying. 

I feed her and while she nurses I will either binge watch Downton Abbey or Parenthood, or read from my bible app or devotional. 

Then Madeline gets a diaper, and goes back to sleep.

I pump afterward, where I'm able to catch an extra. 3 ounces each night to keep is in surplus.  

I wash parts, freeze milk and grab a glass of juice as a treat and to rehydrate. 

Then I finish watching the episode of whichever show I had on or write as I am now, then go back to sleep. 

Precious time.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Eight Teeth?

With each passing day since Madeline started teething, we rub Baby Orajel on her gums at some point to give her a bit of relief, even if very temporary.

When we do this for her, we can feel the tooth buds where a would-be tooth will be. The ones we are really starting feel are eye teeth, but a total of eight teeth are coming through. No wonder she keeps her hands in her mouth and is such a little drool machine.

But what a sweet and happy baby, to be in so much pain. She has days when she is screaming in pain, but for the most part her sunny disposition shines through. She really does try to be a happy camper in spite of it!