Monday, July 28, 2014

Madeline 10 months

Madeline is starting to like and respond to routines. She enjoys her bedtime routine and bath routine. It's really cute to watch her become more perceptive and anticipate what will happen next.

This past month has been a very eventful one for a baby. Madeline had her first plane ride, boat ride, and helicopter ride as well as first time in the ocean. And what a lucky little girl to do all of this in hawaii.

Madeline has: 4 new little white teeth!

Madeline loves:
Being outdoors in the shade
Her arms and legs rubbed and massaged at changing table.
Doing "cha-cha" with her legs
Violet and peekaboo bear
Animal sounds

Madeline dislikes:
Being cold. We've nicknamed her Shivers  because she really shivers when she's cold!
When mommy or daddy leave the room.

Madeline can:
Say "uh oh!"
Wave. Does she ever like to wave!
Pull up to standing and is starting to cruise. 
Pick up food with her pincer grasp but hasn't figured out how to put it in her mouth yet.
Read many words. YBCR works!

She is a busy little girl and we are having to work much harder to baby proof and keep her out of areas than I remember doing for Anna Claire. She is very determined and strong-willed.

Today marked the first Sunday she made it all the way through church without crying. She had fun! We normally see her number flash on the screen halfway through the service and have to leave early. Yay for progress!

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