Monday, July 28, 2014

Madeline 9 months

Madeline has really become more mobile this month! She is crawling, pulling up to standing, and cruising a little.

Madeline is eating solid foods now, that are either cut or torn into very tiny pieces. She had four teeth coming in but none have broken through yet. We have yet to find anything she won't eat. She loves food!

Madeline also loves:
Holding hands while going to sleep on the Boppy.
Toes counted.
Her hair stroked.
Disney jr and Nickjr commercials.
Miss Spiders Sunny Patch.

Madeline dislikes:
When a stroller, shopping cart or car stop moving.
When people sneeze or laugh loudly.
When Mommy or Daddy leave the room.

Madeline can: 
Say "da-da"

Falling out of favor: 

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