Friday, November 21, 2014

Fourteen Months

I don't know which skill to start with since both are great accomplishments.

Madeline can read! I shouldn't be surprised because her sister also started recognizing words at this age and I know Your Baby Can Read works!

What was cool with Madeline was that Larry and I both got to witness it at the same time. We were just sitting in the family room watching her play and she crawled over to her word cards and began to flip through them. She picked up "clap" and began to clap. She picked up "wave" and started waving. 

Later she picked up her words book and said "hi" for "hi." She pointed up for the word "point." She saw the word "mouth" and pointed to her mouth, grinned real big and said "ahhhhhh!" 

She also did this for the doctor yesterday when she asked to see her mouth which made the doctor's day!

Madeline can also walk! She can walk across the room and back, turn around without falling, and smiles all the way, feeling so proud of herself. 

With her being our last, I'm in no hurry for her to grow up, but I'm relieved that we won't have to worry about her walking on her knees at recess or patch her pants like we did for AC who was a very late walker at 18 months.

Loves: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, American cheese,  hugs, teething tablets, dancing, music, shoes, bows, Yo Gabba Babies app, YBCR cards and books, board books, going bye-bye, Red Barn teachers 

Dislikes: teething, when a family member leaves the room, talk radio, shirt over her head, diaper changes 

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