Monday, September 30, 2013

Our Hospital Stay

Sweet girl swaddled up nice and tight. See her little hands sticking up at the top?
I love, love, love seeing that birthdate. <3
Just like her sister. Does not like being unwrapped or undressed!
Grandma with big sis
Love these three so much.
Love this face. Again, looks so much like big sis.
Adorable even when crying.
Madeline has the exact same hairline as her daddy and sister. Nothing a spray bottle, detangler, and a comb can't fix. ;)
If our hospital experience is any indication, Madeline is going to be such a good baby. No fussing. She eats, she sleeps. Such an easy baby so far! (knock on some wood!)
Laying on Daddy. So sweet.
My heart is so full!

Anna Claire wants to give her little sis lots of kisses!

Giving Madeline one more hug.

The next couple of days at the hospital brought with it lots of visitors, so many special people we love. They will never know how much it meant to us that they took time to stop by! My sister Kathy, my long-time friend Kelly, Ken and Teresa from small group, Grandma and Freddie, Pop, Clint and Lisa and more! We love you all! Of course, big sis Anna Claire came by to visit too!

Despite her best efforts to hide it, Anna Claire is showing some signs of jealousy. But Larry and I will do everything in our power to make sure she feels loved and special. No need to feel jealous in our family! Too much love to go around.

It's funny how you forget the process of what goes on following the birth of a baby. I feel so blessed to have passed the healthy colostrum on to Madeline through nursing her, and the lactation consultants have been so helpful in reminding me of different holds and positions. I was so worried that nursing might not be an option for me since I had a c-section, but she is a total natural at latching on and nursing. I am still amazed at how babies innately know what to do!

I was super-excited to be removed from monitors and machines. For a full 24 hours, I was hooked up to a blood pressure cuff, compression boots for swelling, IV, and what I call the "ET finger" which took my pulse. Along with the machines, I got to say "sayonara" to the aggravating hospital gown. It was the absolute worst possible garment for a nursing mom, particularly one with lots of visitors. I also have no love for the sexy mesh panties and giganto panty liner that hung out the back of my gown. Bye-bye gown and panties.

Up until last night, I was on a clear liquid diet. They wouldn't allow me off the liquid diet until I could "break wind." So for almost two straight days, I was limited to popsicles, jello, broth, and beverages. Blah, blah, blah. I was so excited when Larry offered to get take out from Noodles and Company. I loved my Bangkok Curry Noodles. I will definitely be ordering that again.

We have had five meconium poop diapers since we've been here! The doctor said Madeline's lost about 7% of her weight, but that its normal for them to lose before they gain, so not too concerned there. She is sleeping so well and is pooping, so we are fairly confident she's getting plenty to eat through nursing.

I can't tell you how excited I am to go home and begin our lives as a family of four!

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