Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Outings with a New Baby

If you look back at Anna Claire's baby book to read about the outings I took with her as a newborn, you won't find any. I was a scaredy-cat and a homebody. Babies were brand new to Larry and me, and we had no idea what we were doing. So the idea of trying to take our ignorance out in public, was terrifying. It was just easier to stay home. No risk of the baby crying uncontrollably in public. No risk of being judged by others.

With Madeline, we're feeling more confident. We're armed now with the knowledge of how to soothe our baby. And I know now that Madeline will inevitably cry in public at some point, and I may or may not be able to calm her. But I take comfort in knowing that every mom feels that way at some point and has been in my shoes. I know now that the reality is, if I do find myself with a crying baby during an outing, that others are more than likely sympathizing with me, rather than judging me.

Not only am I feeling more comfortable with the idea of taking the baby out, but I also find myself craving to get out of the house. I am constantly trying to think of short trips we can make to force myself out of my comfort zone, break up our day, and share the world with Baby Madeline (and the Baby M with the world).

So far our outings have been either brief, or in safe places where I can easily and privately feed her.

Publix, doctor's appointments, church, Anna Claire's soccer practice and the public library have all been successful short outings. I will definitely attempt those again. It really has helped to keep an extra Boppy in the car so I can nurse before we make the return trip home. I'm also keeping a diaper changing station in the back hatch, which I never had with Anna Claire. The diaper changing station eliminates the need to pack the diaper bag each time I get out with her. So freeing!

We've been on two longer outings.

We've been to our church small group, which is nice and manageable since our group leaders also have a baby. I'm able to use their changing table and glider if if need to feed the baby. And no one there is averse to crying babies. They've all been there.

We've also been to my Minivan Mayhem group. That one has proven to be more challenging and I doubt I'll bring Madeline with me to that group again. I really need to be giving 100% of my attention to the lesson and taking notes, but instead I'm in and out of the room constantly, nursing and changing diapers, so that the speaker is not distracted by the baby's cry. I've built up a bit of frozen freedom (frozen breastmilk), so I see Larry keeping Madeline for MM meetings in the foreseeable future.

I am looking forward to more outings in the future, especially as one of my favorite times of the year draws near. Halloween! Can't wait to pay our annual visit to the pumpkin patch, Trunk or Treat, and to go trick-or-treating...as a family of four!

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