Friday, October 18, 2013

Averitt Family Vocabulary

In the past four years, since having Anna Claire, Larry and I have developed our own silly language - how we talk to each other and our babies.

I thought it would be fun have a post that we could look back at ten years from now to remember our silly language, so here goes:

1. Aqua-paste: (verb) to Aquaphor and Butt Paste a baby. Ex - Come here and let me Aqua-paste you.

My adorable view while in Boppy lockdown.
2. Boppy lockdown: (noun) to be stuck on the couch under a Boppy for 15 minutes or longer to care for nursing and sleeping babies.

3. striper: (noun) a baby with a blue striped diaper. blue stripe indicates diaper needs changing.

4. motorboating: (verb) when baby moves head in side to side motion trying to root and latch.

5. has-ing a happy: (phrase) state of the baby after consuming hindmilk

6. puffer/being puffed: (noun/verb) once out of diapers with with indicator stripe, the puffiness of the diaper indicates if diaper needs changing. Ex. - Aww, do you have a puffer?

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