Tuesday, January 28, 2014

4 months!

Madeline's accomplishments at 4 months:
Can pull out paci with her hand and put it back in
Trying really hard to roll over back to tummy
Started Your Baby Can Read
Tried oatmeal for the first time
Tried exersaucer for the first time

Violet (her talking dog)
Anna Claire
Looking in the mirror
Being held

Waiting for milk

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ages and Stages

Putting away Madeline's newborn clothes and gear is bittersweet. I can't believe she's almost 4 months!

With Anna Claire, it was easier. We knew we'd have another one. But with Madeline, I am realizing she's my last chance to experience these precious infant milestones.

I am sad as I pack up her 0-3 month and newborn clothes (especially the ones she never wore!)

I've put away the infant sling that attaches to her bathtub. She's too big. 

But what saddens me the most is thinking about the sweet phases she's moved past. 

Now a pro at nursing, she doesn't bobble her head or root around anymore when I feed her. 

I miss her soft peach fuzz hair that now been replaced by a new crop of big girl hair.

I'm also bummed each time she is ready for the next size diaper. I found one of her newborn diapers today and held it up to her. I can't believe how she's grown.

But I also love each phase of a child's development and get excited about each coming phase.

Right now I'm looking forward to introducing solid foods. We're starting oatmeal this week then trying a new yellow or orange fruit or veg every 3 days.

Looking forward to watching her try out her exersaucer for the first time and rolling onto her tummy for the first time. 

And I love living in the moment and appreciating what she can do today. Madeline makes a sweet gurgling sound and a fake cough when she wants to get our attention.

Bottom line, I love being a mommy and treasure every phase. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Waking Hour

I secretly love the hour I spend awake in the middle of the night. It's the one time of day I have the house to myself, and time alone with the baby. What a time of ease and peace! 

I wake up around 12:30, like clockwork, each night, usually to Madeline stretching or fussing....rarely crying. 

I feed her and while she nurses I will either binge watch Downton Abbey or Parenthood, or read from my bible app or devotional. 

Then Madeline gets a diaper, and goes back to sleep.

I pump afterward, where I'm able to catch an extra. 3 ounces each night to keep is in surplus.  

I wash parts, freeze milk and grab a glass of juice as a treat and to rehydrate. 

Then I finish watching the episode of whichever show I had on or write as I am now, then go back to sleep. 

Precious time.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Eight Teeth?

With each passing day since Madeline started teething, we rub Baby Orajel on her gums at some point to give her a bit of relief, even if very temporary.

When we do this for her, we can feel the tooth buds where a would-be tooth will be. The ones we are really starting feel are eye teeth, but a total of eight teeth are coming through. No wonder she keeps her hands in her mouth and is such a little drool machine.

But what a sweet and happy baby, to be in so much pain. She has days when she is screaming in pain, but for the most part her sunny disposition shines through. She really does try to be a happy camper in spite of it!