Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pumping Woes

It's my first full week back at work, and I have to be honest, all of the running around I have to do to pump and keep up my supply is wearing me out. I'm not giving up, just venting.

I feed Madeline right before Anna Claire wakes up, then get AC ready and take her to school.

Then I drive to school. I get my classroom ready for the day, then Miss Trish (love her) comes and watches my homeroom kiddos while I go do my 7:10 pump.

My designated location for pumping really couldn't be further away. I'm at the end of our 6th grade hall, and the room I go to is at the end of the 7th grade hall. It's a good workout is how I choose to look at it. ;)

I teach three classes back to back after that, then pump again at lunch, at 10:45. After pumping, I'm left with about ten minutes to grab a snack, so I'm not entirely pitiful.

I teach my Enrichment, then have planning. I pump again toward the end of planning, at 12:45 which is the last time I have to pump for the day.

Kids are dismissed at 2:15 and teachers can leave at 2:40, so I try to get home by 3:00 so I can feed Madeline as soon as I get there.

I'm pulling it all off swimmingly, but I can tell you no one has to rock me to sleep at 8:00.

Oh, did I not mention my childlike bedtime? It's necessary since I get up with the birds at 3:30 am. That allows me time to nurse the baby, an hour and some change to get ready, nurse again, then like I said in the beginning get AC up and get her ready. Good times!

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