Sunday, December 29, 2013

Madeline is 3 months!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Blooming Bath

Not sure what I was waiting on to try out this Blooming Bath, but I won't be using anything else until she's able to sit up in the tub herself.

I can't tell you how much we both enjoyed this precious flower bath. Madeline was so smiley and comfortable. I was totally relaxed and didn't have to worry about her sliding in the little infant hammock like I normally do. It's also handy to have the kitchen sink sprayer nearby to rinse her and to keep her warm.

I can't say enough good things about it. Definitely ranks high on my list for baby shower gifts I'll be giving in the future!

And happy!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Madeline's Christmas 2013

Madeline got new onesies, Rock-a-stack, and a snowman from Santa, and new pacis, bottle nipples, teether, gowns, sleeper, and socks from Mommy and Daddy.

Madeline's loot, which were actually needs. She doesn't know any different. Next year the true spoiling will begin. ;)

Madeline with big sis and her favorite gift, her snowman. I didn't realize how perfect it would be for her. She can grab the snowman's nose, scarf, and earflaps, and because he's round, when she grabs him, he doesn't tip over.
Madeline was blessed to receive really amazing gifts from Grandma and Freddie. We are so grateful for her exersaucer, adorable clothes, Sophie soft giraffe and teether giraffe, and money gift.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Card 2013

It was my goal to get a picture taken of us as a family of four to use for this year's card, but it just didn't happen. I like this collage, just the same. Does a good job telling our story. :)

Teething Already!

Madeline has been unusually fussy this past week, and we couldn't really figure out why. Then, I finally put two and two together and figured out she is teething. Already.

She has been a little drool machine, but then one night I was rubbing a piece of gauze across her gums to clean them like I do every night, and I felt something hard...a little tooth coming through! It will be so cute when she has a little tooth, but painful in the meantime.

So Teething Tablets (placebo), Baby Anbesol, Tylenol, and teethers are our friends right now! Keeping a damp cloth in the freezer too.

I guess it just never occurred to me that she could get a tooth this early. Anna Claire didn't get her first tooth until four months. But every child is different!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pumping Woes

It's my first full week back at work, and I have to be honest, all of the running around I have to do to pump and keep up my supply is wearing me out. I'm not giving up, just venting.

I feed Madeline right before Anna Claire wakes up, then get AC ready and take her to school.

Then I drive to school. I get my classroom ready for the day, then Miss Trish (love her) comes and watches my homeroom kiddos while I go do my 7:10 pump.

My designated location for pumping really couldn't be further away. I'm at the end of our 6th grade hall, and the room I go to is at the end of the 7th grade hall. It's a good workout is how I choose to look at it. ;)

I teach three classes back to back after that, then pump again at lunch, at 10:45. After pumping, I'm left with about ten minutes to grab a snack, so I'm not entirely pitiful.

I teach my Enrichment, then have planning. I pump again toward the end of planning, at 12:45 which is the last time I have to pump for the day.

Kids are dismissed at 2:15 and teachers can leave at 2:40, so I try to get home by 3:00 so I can feed Madeline as soon as I get there.

I'm pulling it all off swimmingly, but I can tell you no one has to rock me to sleep at 8:00.

Oh, did I not mention my childlike bedtime? It's necessary since I get up with the birds at 3:30 am. That allows me time to nurse the baby, an hour and some change to get ready, nurse again, then like I said in the beginning get AC up and get her ready. Good times!