Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Madeline at 13 months

Madeline has learned so much since her one year birthday which seems literally like yesterday (where did October go?)

She can:
Take off socks and shoes
Insists on feeding herself
Can walk behind a push toy
Is getting four new teeth making her a little Velcro baby
Starting to sleep through the night
Loves drinking from a cup
Starting to self ween
About to be too big for rear facing car seat
Can say: up, look, eat, good, yum, yuck, mama, dada, good, hi, hello, I go, and often says hi though or howdy as a greeting.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Madeline is one!

Madeline has so many skills at one, as well as a few words.

She can:
Shake her head "no"
Say "mama" and "dada"
Says "uh oh"
Says "oh" when she wants to be held or picked up or when someone leaves the room.
She can undo the Velcro on anything
Open up just about any bottle (childproof, shmildproof. Don't trust her!)
Take a couple steps unassisted
Starting to feed herself