Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A week for the books!

This week Madeline has learned to crawl, pull up to standing and got her first 2 teeth (uppers)! 

She is also practicing her crawling and trying to stand up in her co-sleeper at night, so bye-bye co-sleeper and hello crib. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Where to Nurse in When You're Out and About

Nursing in public is not a big deal to some moms, but I was raised ultra-conservative and just can't bring myself to do it in front of folks.

Cover up? Neither of my girls were having it. Cover up = kicking and screaming.

So with exclusively breastfed babies, I have had to be pretty creative at times to get the job done. 

Case in point, yesterday evening, I was at swim lessons for my almost five-year-old at our local university. I had Madeline in tow and she was hungry. So I got creative. I found this handicap shower stall. It was perfect. I swear a choir of angels began to sing when I spied it. It met all of my requirements: seating and privacy.

I would also recommend keeping a Boppy in your car. Dressing rooms in malls and shops are awesome too!

Until all public places become as innovative as one of our nearby malls, Opry Mills, where they provide a nursing room for moms, I will continue to seek out creative private seating options.

Roscoe P. Coltrane

Madeline's favorite sound right now is, "guh, guh, guh," reminiscent of one Roscoe P. Coltrane. (Dukes of Hazard fans appreciate the reference.) So that's her latest nickname and you'll understand if you are ever around us and here us say, "little Rosco."

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bible Study with Madeline

I am SO much braver (or crazier) with Madeline than I was with Anna Claire. I rarely took AC anywhere, and take Madeline everywhere. Even Bible study.

There were a few points in the evening where I thought I'd made a bad call and should have left her with her Daddy. Enter Mercy, our Minivan Mayhem founders little girl.

This precious girl is better with babies than many teens and grown-ups I've seen. A natural. I may even keep bringing Madeline to Bible study...if Mercy will promise to be there!