Thursday, November 28, 2013

2 months!

I can't tell you how much joy this precious baby brings us. Madeline is a very easy baby who cries pretty rarely unless she is hungry or having tummy troubles.

She is beginning to try and roll over. She has rolled over onto her side, but not completely over yet.

Madeline is cooing alot. She will say, "Ah goo," and something that sounds like "Hi," from time to time.

She is smiling at us! Her sweet smile makes my heart melt. She also really focuses on our faces when we talk to her.

Madeline's current likes are: nursing, her paci, sleeping, being held or carried facing out, looking in the mirror, her big sister talking to her, and the feeling of a clean, dry diaper. These are things that always seem to put a smile on her face.

Madeline's dislikes are: losing her paci, trying to make poop, cold wet wipes in the middle of the night, Mommy and Daddy taking to long to get her milk, vaccines, and poop diapers.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

One Month Already?

Sweet dreams...

The stink eye

This expression is very familiar... lol

We love you sweet Madeline!